Philosophy of Online Teaching

"Are you here by design or default?"

My childhood dream was to become a teacher but it took many career paths on my journey here.  It is easy to find oneself in a profession without actively pursuing it.  As I grow in my profession, I place more value on time and view it as a gift not to be squandered. 

My answer to the question is “Yes, I am here by design”.  I intentionally chose to return to school as a non-traditional student and pursue a career in E-Learning and Online Teaching.  

My philosphy of online teaching revolves around creating a social,  interactive, constructivist learning environment.  An environment where learners interact, problem solve, reflect, and assess their own learning.  I design activities that appeal to different learning styles and foster a collaborative approach to learning.  More importantly, I use technology tools and principles of cyber-coaching to provide feedback.  I think it is important to remember the person behind the name in the sometimes impersonal, text-based online environment.    

I also believe it is important to be conscious of the not-so-subtle differences between face-to-face and online learning environments.  The move from Instructionism in the face-to-face environment to Constructionism in the online environment is of great importance.   The annotation on the next tab, best explains the change in pedagogy.