
To address the issue of plagiarism, I have chosen four assessment tools that will give me a sense as to what is typical or representative of the work each learner is capable of producing. 

ExamBuilder will give me a baseline of learner ability with computer skills from the precourse assessment. 

Wordpress will show learner preferred writing style and also give me an idea as to vocabulary level, common choices of words, and phraseology. 

Slideshare will be used to view a presentation on plagiarism to introduce the topic to the learner.

Audacity will be used to record an audio clip to reinforce how seriously plagiarism is viewed and to remind them to read the academic misconduct section of the syllabus.

Another area of concern is making sure that it is actually the student enrolled in your course that is taking an online exam.  There is an article on plagiarism from the Chronicle of Higher Education that I thought some might be interest in reading.  It references the Education bill that is currently in Senate:

Please take a few minutes to view a Slideshare presentation on plagiarism:

Plagiarism – What is all the fuss about?  By Fiona Duggan

You may also be interested in the Plagiarism Today website: